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Jumat, Maret 04, 2011

Hand phones,miracle or disaster?

Hand phones, mobile phones, cell phone whatever we want to call them (and shouldn’t we all be calling them the same thing?) are electronic device used to make mobile telephone call across a wide geographic area. Which supported by many additional services and accessories, such as SMS (or text) messages, MMS messaging, e-mail, internet access, gaming, Bluetooth and infrared short range wireless communication, camera, multimedia player, radio and GPS. This device is very amazing because provide complete features to help us or to entertain us. You can imagine what will happen to our live, if for something reason we do not have hand phones.
Because of the wide function, Hand phone is the most popular gadget (device) in the world. Almost every people have this gadget, this is the reason why Cell Phone Company always develops new feature every time. Besides that, the feature of hand phone not only brings a change toward development for our live, but also brings toward decline. Do you know that hand phone changing our lives?

They change who we are”. The hand phone has indeed changed the way we behave. But perhaps we don’t realize how much we have become its slave. Survey which held by Siemens Mobile Survey, showing to us that in every country surveyed the majority polled said they would go back for their phone if they left it at home. If you’ve endured the traffic in Indonesia especially in Jakarta, you’ll know what kind of sacrifice some two-thirds of surveyed are making.” I can’t think of anything I would go back for”, except for wallet, or maybe to turn off the stove when we forget to do it.

(hand phones evolution)

And even if we remember to bring it, take it in our pocket, we’re still not happy (this situation really appears in teenager’s life). Many of us get anxious if it hasn’t rung or a text message hasn’t appear for a while (a while being about an hour or maybe about a minute!). Once again of those surveyed Indonesians (65%) and Filipinos (77%) get particularly jittery. It seems that every other user in Asia be glancing at the phone every few second. This statistic, I have to say is highly believable, and the instinct highly annoying. There’s nothing worse than chatting to someone who constantly checks his or her hand-phone. Like chatting in Mig33, Mini Friday, or maybe Facebook!

Then there’s the fact that mobile phones are not only enslaving the user, they’re trampling the rights of everyone else. Around a third of folk surveyed acknowledge they get so engrossed in mobile conversation that they’re often unaware of speaking loudly while discussing their private lives in public. Of course it will disturb other people around us. At least most of us agree on one thing, the increasing use of mobile phones has led to a decline us courtesy and considerate behavior.

The bottom line in here is that we are more than a little bit out of control. Mobile phones are great, and bring miracle to our live. But if we allow them to dominate our lives to this extent, it will be the serious disaster. You can imagine, interrupting conversations with those around us to take a call, staring at our phones rather than relating to the world and people around us, sending flirty text messages to random numbers, and maybe you will forget to pray to God. If that condition constantly happen in another 10 years, I assume that society as we know it will no longer exist. All we’ll see is a blur of digital data going out and having all the fun, socializing, falling in love and taking sneaky pictures of each other.

So don’t let Technology development (hand phones) enslave our live. Although the gadget is very useful for us, we must control our live to block the negative effect of using hand phones.

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