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Selasa, April 21, 2015

Dosen Terbaik di Dunia (Prof. Walter Lewin)

Tidak ada bosannya melihat video ini, The last lecture of Professor Walter Lewin (MIT). You are very great teacher! Very proud of you.
Beberapa point penting yang harus diperhatikan, terutama oleh Para Pengajar dan Dosen. Bagi saya, Prof. Walter Lewin adalah dosen terbaik yang pernah saya lihat cara mengajarnya.

- On average, the preparation for one lecture is about 40 to 60 hours (Wow!). I dry run the lecture in an empty classroom with everything on the black board that I am going to write on the blackboard, pretending that there is a full class in front of me, but there is no one. And i talk to them as if there is one. I do that two weeks before the lecture. Then one week before the lecture, I dry run again. And 5.00 AM of the morning of the lecture, i am at MIT and i give the same lecturer dry run for an empty classroom when the lecture is at 10.00 AM. That's the way i prepare.

-And if u hate it (physics), it is because you have very bad teacher. I make every student, not only in MIT, but all over the world, i make them love physics ! PHYSICS is my live and art history is my love.

Thanks Professor Walter Lewin, you make me love physics!

Nur Abdillah Siddiq
Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Fisika ITS, sedang menggeluti NanoTeknologi dan dunia pengembangan diri.Memiliki misi besar untuk menjadi insan yang memberikan kontribusi nyata pada agama Islam, Negara Indonesia, dan Orang Tua Tercinta (H. Fajar Rahman dan Hj. Sri Tumiasih).

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