Selasa, Februari 11, 2014

"Diq, don't just study chemistry
Study physics too, your physics score is low"
Advice from my physics teacher when i grade XI in senior high school

Now, that statement, my physics teacher statement become reality. I study physics, plus engineering, every day, and no chemistry. In transition between semester 2 to semester 3, I ever think to try SNMPTN again. Because actually when I asked to my friend "Why you choose Engineering Physics?". Almost all my friend answer because they want to keep far away from chemistry. That is terrible. I love chemistry. Then I weight the pros and cons, if I try SNMPTN again, of course I must paid much for entrance fee again, for building fee, etc, and it could be made my parent feel dissapointed. Besides that I have got much experience in engineering physics, from friendship, achievement, etc.

My result in school exams show that my chemistry score is perfect (100) and my physics score is standart (75), it is very widely different. When I flash back to the past why I very love chemistry because first I just love it, I enjoy studying chemistry, and i challenge my self to join with IChO (International Chemistry Olympiade). I got chemistry in grade X, and in grade X, I can pass olympiade from regional to national in Jakarta. In East Java delegates especially Chemistry Group, I still remember that only me who grade X meanwhile the others grade XI. From that serendipity achievement, I be more confident that chemistry is my way.

But that is the past, Imam Ghozali says that "What things that very far from us?" And the answer is "Past". Of course, we cannot change anything in the past, we only learn from our past. Now when I in this position, In engineering physics, I build my own monument, I try study physics with high enthusiasm. Using Ahmad Rifai Rifan status, "if you want to achieve your dream, just close your eyes, and imagine that you become what you want, “I stand in control room, controlling process in my factory”, and insert your dua, then open your eyes, give the best effort to make your goal closer and become reality.
This short squiggle be my monument to learn physics with enthusiasm, and highly spirited :)
Title inspired from book “ D’ ”, creator Akin, publisher Anomali

Nur Abdillah Siddiq
Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Fisika ITS, sedang menggeluti NanoTeknologi dan dunia pengembangan diri.Memiliki misi besar untuk menjadi insan yang memberikan kontribusi nyata pada agama Islam, Negara Indonesia, dan Orang Tua Tercinta (H. Fajar Rahman dan Hj. Sri Tumiasih).

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Nur Abdillah Siddiq
Mahasiswa Jurusan Fisika ITS, sedang menggeluti Fiber Optik dan dunia pengembangan diri. Berusaha mengabdi dan memberikan kontribusi nyata pada agama Islam, Negara Indonesia, dan Orang Tua Tercinta (H. Fajar Rahman dan Hj. Sri Tumiasih).

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